Sunday, 1 March 2015

Team Tekau Shout-Outs!

New for March - Shout-outs in Team Tekau!
What is a shout-out?

Urban Dictionary: shout-out

shout-out (n.) Slang. A public expression of thanks or gratitude

So whats the deal?
Let's recognise students in Team Tekau who are showing our values. Fill out a 'shout-out' form and post it in the classroom box. We'll check it daily so we can thank those super students for being so wonderful! 


  1. I would like to Shout Out to Mrs Perry for making her class so amazing and welcoming for the Team Tekau students. Ka mau te wehi
    From Rebecca (Keira's Mum)

    1. Thank you so much Rebecca. Your comment made my heart sing and you have really made my day! I think you deserve a shout out too for all the work you do with the PTA. You are a very well organised lady and you always have a smile on your face and a friendly greeting for others. Ka pai - ka mau te wehi!
      :-) :-) :-)

    2. Do you have to shout loud. ByTyrell

  2. Wow room ten it`s really cool about the shout outs
    I can`t wait to see if their are any more shout outs in the box. By campbell.
