Saturday, 28 February 2015

Maths at the Pool - Estimating and Measuring

We have been enjoying swimming in Team Tekau and we wondered,  How long is our school pool and how could we find out?
We talked about lots of ways of measuring things and looked really carefully at our rulers. We learned there are centimetres and teeny, tiny millimetres. We quickly realised that there are 10 mm in every cm. We even learned the short way to write these! Then we looked at a big metre only ruler and found out there are 100cm in 1m.
Our next step was to choose a way to show one m. Some of us used hands, some of us feet and some even used our elbows. We then estimated the length of the pool using our measure. It was tricky to keep track of the metres so we used our whiteboards and made tally marks.
The final step was to actually measure the pool and see how close we were. We were amazed to find out how close we were.
So, how long is our school pool? 22.8m. The .8 means 80 centimetres. Are we awesome or what!
Check out our estimates and photos of us in action in this photo peach slideshow.

Maths at the Pool! on PhotoPeach


  1. Well done, room 10! Maths sounds like fun in your class!

  2. Was so proud of the estimating and measuring by Team Tekau kids - what marvellous mathematicians!

  3. Great fun at Maths time Team Tekau! So what was the final measurement of the pool after you finished your estimates and actual measurements? From Jo (Sam's mum)

  4. I wasn't expecting the pool to be 22.80cm long. By Tihei
