Saturday, 14 February 2015

Butterfly Number Rua Caught on Camera!

We were the most excited classroom in the school to actually see butterfly number 2 emerge from the chrysalis yesterday afternoon. We actually saw the whole thing happen and it only took about 50 seconds!! Mrs Perry even videoed it and is going to put it on our blog so we can watch it again and again. It happened soooo quickly.

We have been writing some amazing stories about our monarchs - caterpillars and butterflies. Team Tekau kids are showing they are awesome writers. Here are just a few little snippets for you to enjoy...

Once upon a time I hatched out of a tiny, winy egg. I started to feast on my egg. After that I went to hunt for my real breakfast. I found a nice lush, green leaf and I started nibbling away.
By Martyn

Clinging to the edge of the pot was a monarch butterfly. Ouch! It fell a little. It's wings were a bit heavy for it. Then it dropped and walked.
By Elijah

CRACK! Out came a little teeny, weeny little Miss Caterpillar. Then I crawled all around my new home. I nibbled on my new home after my birth. A few weeks later I got fatter and fatter and fatter until...
By Emily

Once upon a time I hatched out of my egg. The colour of my egg is pink. When I came out of my egg I started munching away. A few days later I was fat and then I turned into a chrysalis.
By Kimberly-Ann

CRACK! A tinsy, winsy little caterpillar emerged from its egg. The little caterpillar felt a bit hungry. Rumble! Her tummy rumbled. She found a nice green leaf.
By Alex

At lunch I was watching the monarch butterfly emerge out of its chrysalis. After a while the monarch butterfly slipped out!
By Fletcher

She was so beautiful. She was as beautiful as a rose. Also her wings looked as delicate as silk. I felt like she was the most beautiful creature in the world!
By Elise

On Wednesday 11th another chrysalis hatched. I got to see it hatch! It is so cool how they hatch. I love butterflies.
By Chanelle

At lunchtime our butterfly broke out. We rushed to the class. We all stared at the butterfly and after school we took it outside.
By Sam

I went up to the blue pot because there were people around it. There was a monarch butterfly! The butterfly fell off the pot and landed on the green table.
By Taiaha

Once upon a time there was a little chrysalis hanging off a big blue pot plant. I ate my way out. My wings were small at first but when I pumped fluid into my wings they got bigger and bigger!
By Campbell

Molly just hatched at lunchtime today at Mahora School in Team Tekau. We were so excited that we crowded around it. It has already started to pump fluid through its wings.
By Keira

The caterpillars eat green leaves and then it turns into a chrysalis. In 2 weeks it hatches and a butterfly comes out of the chrysalis.
By John-Paul

Halfway through Homework Reminders another butterfly hatched. We saw it slip out and stick to the chrysalis. It started pumping fluid. Mrs Perry got pictures and a video of it.
By Tihei

It has beautiful wings like orange and black with white spots. First it stayed there for 1 hour and then it started to fly.
By Ella

The butterfly dropped off the chrysalis and then off the pot but it was ok. It has a little look around. It was very wobbly and couldn't walk properly. After a while we let it go in the lavender bush. Bye little butterfly - you really made me happy!
By Milly

At lunchtime the new butterfly hatched. First it has small wings then they were big.
By Kyla

The chrysalis is very, very black! Now it has just come out of the chrysalis. The butterflies wings are very colourful.
By Lockie

Then it started to come out!!! It was fun seeing his colourful wings. It was so wonderful seeing it.
By Iziah

While we were doing our reminders something happened. Another monarch butterfly hatched and we saw it emerge from its shell!
By Rapaira


  1. I am so impressed with the start Team Tekau students have made with their writing. I have loved reading the butterfly stories this weekend and shared them with my family and friends who have popped by. Such clever kids! - Mrs Perry

  2. Wow really enjoyed watching that butterfly hatch, haven't seen that happen since I was a kid. Loved the kids with their owww and arrrr's they would of been totally amazed with that as I was when I was at school when I saw that, brings back all the memories.

    1. Thank you for reading four blog and commenting - it means that the students are writing and reaching an audience which is very exciting, but not quite as exciting as watching a butterfly emerge from it's little chrysalis home!

    2. Cool stories team tekau and colourful monarch butterflie wing

  3. I am really enjoying reading all these stories and I just loved sharing in the excitement of watching the Butterfly hatch. Well done Mrs Perry for catching it on video.

    1. Hi Mary - its wonderful to hear you enjoyed our wee video clip. We have about 6 more chrysalis and over 10 big fat caterpillars about to change into a chrysalis. Team Tekau students are working really hard not heir writing and its much more fun when you have something special like butterflies to write about. Keep checking us out! :)

  4. I loved looking at all your stories.From Rapaira and Taiaha

  5. I think those stories are better then my sisters.From Taiaha

  6. Great work room 10. The stories are AMAZING! By Alex

  7. The stories are incredible!!!! Awesome work Team Tekau. By Elise

  8. We love looking at all the cool videos you post to the blog Room 10. What a cool class! Josh and family.

  9. Beautiful writing team tekau ka mau te wehi!
    From Iziahs mum.
