Tuesday, 10 February 2015

A Monarch Emerges...

It was super exciting when a monarch butterfly emerged from its chrysalis in Team Tekau. We even wrote about it!

He, or she (we don't know if it was a male or a female butterfly) spent a while hanging out on the edge of the pot before it was ready to try out it's new long legs. We all thought the butterfly was waiting for its wings to dry but we watched a you tube clip that told us it was pumping fluid into its wings to get ready to fly!

The butterfly was a bit wobbly at first. Check out its gorgeous colours!

After school we took it out to the lavender by the office and set it free. I bet that butterfly is busy eating nectar and laying some new eggs. What do you think?

Here is the link to the you tube clip we watched. We learned a lot of new things, so check it out.


  1. Its was cool seeing the monarch butterfly after it hatched.

  2. I was so impressed with the care you have given your gorgeous caterpillar and now butterfly in your class and WOW I learnt something new today-I also thought the wings were drying out- You not only exercised your own brain but also mine-thank you! Miss Smith

  3. I am so glad I got to see one crack its shell and come out. Elise

  4. I hope you didn't fall off the pot.

    From Tyrell

  5. wow they are beautiful it is so good to watch you children are very lucky to have these species in your classroom it is such a wounderful thing to watch by kyla

  6. Lucky the butterflie didn't fall on the ground.from iziah

  7. It took a bit of time to pump fluid in its wings.from Iziah
