Wednesday, 14 October 2015

You could have heard a pin drop!

I am not sure what is in the water at the homes of the children in Team Tekau, but whatever it is, I hope it stays there!!!  The kids in Rm 10 have been super settled since coming back to school and this morning during Daily 5's they were working so quietly, you literally could've heard a pin drop, even on the carpet!!!!!
Ka pai Team Tekau.  Keep up the great work ethic and awesome attitude.  It is what makes you such great kids and helps you as you piki haere!

Cody 'listening to reading'.

 This is 'word work', 'listening to reading' and 'work on writing' in action.

 All hard at work.

 Great to see people working together in such a settled and quiet way.

All on task.  Great work guys!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Team Tekau! Great to hear about your awesome start to Term 4 - keep it up! From Mrs Perry ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ˜˜
