Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Maui and the Sun

One big focus in our reading this term is being able to retell a story with the main events in order. We read this Maori tale and retold the story in a sequence strip. Afterwards we made korus and did weaving to create our own suns. They look so neat, this is an awesome sample by Elijah! Ka pai Team Tekau!


  1. Tino pai rawe Elijah! What a super retelling of Maui and the Sun. I think your weaving is fabulous! These look really awesome Team Tekau. I am so proud to see how hard you are all working and the great learning that is happening. Keep it up! See you tomorrow! From Mrs Perry 🌞👏🏼

  2. Great job Elijah. From Kyla

  3. That's really cool Elijah! I know you had fun making it as you have told us all about it =) From Mum

  4. Miss Birrell I think you chose the right persons work on Maori and the Sun to put on the blog but everyone's is amazing. From Elise

  5. Cool Elijah by Sam

  6. Awesome Maui the sun making I wish I was there to make one.from Rapaira
