Thursday, 19 March 2015

Team Tekau Smarties!

We are learning about how we can show information in Maths. We learned that data (information) can be displayed in lots of different ways.  Don't tell anyone but... we all had a box of Smarties today! We were not allowed to eat them until we had drawn a tally chart to show what colours and how many smarties were inside our box.  It was super fun and then we got to eat them! Deeeeelicious!
We had to make a chart with columns and rows and add up the totals. Most boxes had 14 or 15 smarties inside them. Check the photos of us at work...


  1. yummy maths- fantastic

  2. Golly Mrs Perry! Haven't you realized? Your telling the whole school! Now they will get jealous of our mouth watering delicious smarties! by Alex

  3. Can I please come back to school and have smarties? What fun!

  4. I loved the maths because it was even more fun and it was yummy! Also Mrs Perry why did you tell everyone in the world about are mouth watering delicious incredible and amazing tasting also hard do not eat so yummy smarties?! Now we're going to have people banging on are door shouting "GIVE US SOME SMARTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" By Elise

  5. I really enjoyed maths,especially
    eating the smarties.
