Monday, 9 March 2015

Enjoying Art Deco

Thanks to the wonderful people who bring along their beautiful vintage cars we experienced amoment in time - art deco style.

Art Deco Vintage Car Rides on PhotoPeach

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What do you know about art deco?

How and why did this style of vehicle, architecture and clothing come about?

Why is it an important part of our Hawkes Bay history?


  1. We loved the video Mrs Perry. You are the coolest teacher. From the Griffiths family.

  2. What a super cool day at school, riding around in fancy cars. Art deco is a wonderful way to celebrate how far Hastings & Napier have come since the devastating earthquake in 1931. Looks like you all had a great day dressing up and having a good look around some very interesting cars. From Jo (Sam's mum)

  3. Cool video Mrs Perry. Ezrah

  4. Oh Mrs Perry! You are always the best when it comes to making the slide shows. by Alex

  5. I hope you had an amazing time at art deco day. by Taiaha

  6. It was such a cool day I wish I could have another ride! I hope everyone had a great day that day. By Elise
