Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Wow! Beach Education!

Team 2 EOTC
Beach Education

Team 2’s first EOTC (Education Outside the Classroom) activity this year is Beach Education. We are very excited to have our students participate in this super programme. Sadly, 17 people have already lost their lives in New Zealand waters this year. Knowing how to swim and be safe when in and around water is a skill for life.

What is Beach Ed?
Beach Education is a safe, fun and educational activity – a great opportunity for students to be immersed in a Surf Life Saving environment with practical experience of beach and surf conditions.  The programme has 3 parts – Theory, Beach Activities and Water Activities. The programme is run by qualified Surf Life Savers.

When and Where is Beach Ed?

Rooms 9, 10 and 11 - Tuesday 17th February

Rooms 7 & 8 – Friday 20th February

Groups will leave Mahora School at 8.30am and return by 3pm.

The venue is Waimarama Beach.

Adult assistance is needed to meet the requirements of a 1:5 adult / student ratio. Please read the attachment that explains what is involved and let your child’s classroom teacher know if you are able to attend. Without safe child / adult ratios we will not be able to proceed with the day so we are counting on you!

How much will it cost?

The cost per student is $15, which covers the Surf Lifesaving fee and bus fare. Mahora School is subsiding the actual cost by $5 per student to make this learning opportunity as affordable as possible. We know that the day is extremely valuable and it is expected that all Team 2 students will participate. There is no cost for adult helpers.


  1. I am so excited to go
    from Ella

  2. I Had a fantastic time at whaimara beach. From Taiaha

  3. I learnt that its possible to do a flip in the sea with inflatable boats.From Rapaira and Taiaha
