Tuesday, 25 November 2014


Grace, Sharnika and Evangelina
Lucky Grace, Sharnika and Evangelina who all came out of Monday Meet Up smiling yesterday. (Actually, we all came out smiling because we were set for a fabulous learning day, but they were even smilier because they had won something!) Evangelina won some chocolate goodies for being a responsible person in the playground and returning playground equipment. Grace and Sharnika have been busy 'Moving It' and received i-way prizes in the weekly draw. Sharnika is going to be looking good cruising around in her vest and Grace will no doubt have lots of goodies packed in her special lunchbox. Way to go! Woo-hoo!!!!


  1. Congratulations girls! I was thrilled for you Evangelina because your name came out of the box one other Monday but you were not there so didn't get the reward! Sharnika, I think you could wear that vest and be my playground duty assistant today? What do you think? Lol, just kidding... Hey Grace, does your lunch taste even better in that awesome new lunchbox?

  2. Well done guys. You are AWESOME!!!!!!! From Destiny

  3. Congratulations Evangelina, Sharnika and Grace. You must be very proud of yourselves! From Wyatt

  4. I love my vest. It is great.

  5. Well done Sharnika, Evangelina and Grace. Do you girls like your prize? Ezrah

  6. Yes Ezrah i do like my prize. Thank you for asking. From Evangelina

  7. Destiny you are AWESOME!!!!!!!! too. From Evangelina

  8. Well done girls

  9. Well done Grace, Evangelina and Sharnika I am very proud of you. from Julie

  10. CONGRATULTIONS! Evganelina,shanika and grace I hope you enjoyed your prizes move it kids
