Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Punctuation Day!

Today is Punctuation Day in the USA. I know we're not in the USA but we could all brush up on our punctuation skills. Right? Here are some links to a few activities to help you. Listen to the song (yes it's American) and have a go at one of the games. Don't panic, they're fun!

Punctuation! is very. Import ant soyour writing? and The (message) You, want to get across? ...can be clearly under stood.

That sentence shows why it's so important to write things clearly, with the correct punctuation marks.

Trapped! A Punctuation Game

Check Your Grammar!


  1. Mrs Perry, when will we look at semi colons?

  2. Mr s? Per rry did! You kn ow t h a t puncition sav es lifes: fr om De st in y Pa ige
