Wednesday 6 May 2015

Super cyclists!

We are so lucky at Mahora School to have Bikes in Schools. Everyone has their own helmet too. Team Tekau had a fantastic cycle in the beautiful Autumn sunshine on Tuesday afternoon. When we got back to class we counted how many kilometers we each did on the distance track and add it to our overall total! Some super cyclists have cycled the same distance it would be to cycle from Mahora School to Ocean Beach! 


  1. I LOVE cycling - it so much fun! Great to hear you are enjoying getting out and enjoying the track. When I flew over the school about a month ago I was amazed how cool the bike track looked from up in the air. CAn't wait to pop in and do a writing lesson with you all on Thursday. Hang on, is that today??? Fun, fun, fun! What a cool teacher mIss Birrell is! 🌞🚴🏼🚦🚲

  2. I love biking its one of my favourite things at school.
    From Emily
