Monday 20 April 2015

Food from around the world!

WOW! What a great start to Term Two for Team Tekau! I really enjoyed sharing our food from around the world and getting to know each other! Have a great rest tonight, read a story and I look forward to seeing everyone with great HUGE attitudes tomorrow! 😊 Miss Birrell


  1. Sounds like Team Tekau had a great start to Term 2. You must be a super cool teacher to bring pineapple lumps to class Miss Birrell :-)

  2. Wow Team Tekau! I can see that you had an absolutely super, duper day with Miss Birrell. That food from around the world looks sooo good. What food was it and which country was it from? Guess who slept in this morning and did not make it to school. Seriously George you better get yourself to school tomorrow! Kiki Haere guys - keep working hard!

  3. Hi Mrs Perry. We had sushi from Japan, jellybeans from America, pretzels from Germany, Doritos and guacamole from Mexico, and pineapple lumps from New Zealand! Thanks for asking. George finally made it to school, and we are really happy to have him back! From Team Tekau!

  4. It was yummy, I wish you were there Mrs Perry. From Elise

  5. The food from around the world was yummy I wish we could do that again :-) From Blake

  6. Kia ora Team Tekau! I hope you have all had a wonderful l-o-n-g weekend and are all set to get into some wonderful learning activities. I know that last week some of you (I won’t mention any names) did not make the best learning choices. Well, it’s a new week so make a fresh start and tell your self, “I’m a great kid, I have a great attitude and I am at school to learn.”
    In the weekend I tried some Turkish food. Now it’s not the first time I have had Turkish food but this time I really enjoyed it. Chicken iskender kebab - delicious! Remember it can take time for your body to get used to new foods so never give up if you don’t like something the first time, keep trying it. It can take 10 – 12 tastes and then you might decide, “Hey! This is delicious!” Just like learning, you have to keep on going with a positive attitude. Have a great day – I am coming in for a visit soon. (I hope there is no one sitting outside the library when I come.)
    Miss you heaps! Hi to Miss Birrell and George! ☺
