Monday 17 November 2014

SafeSparks Article

Hi I'm Bianca and I'm Mathias.
We are here to tell you about the SafeSparks programme.
On Wednesday last week a man called Bob came from Unison to talk to us about how to be safe around electricity.  After we had finished with Bob we went to Room 3 to have a chat with Anna and she talked to us about how to be safe around power boxes, power poles, substations and transformers. We learnt by watching a video. She also asked some questions that Bob had told us the answers to, so we had to think back and give HER the answers.

We learned...

* ... if you have rubber boots on, electricity can't conduct and go through the boots and give you a shock or anything. By Ana

* ... if a tree is touching a power line you're not aloud to climb the tree. By Paige

*... if there is a power pole on a car after an accident and there are people inside the car, don't touch it because the wires might be live. By Jack

*... when a bird goes on a power line it cannot get electrocuted but if it goes on a transformer it gets a shock. By Wyatt

* ... that electricity can go around the world 7 times in 1 second. By Grace

* ... never throw or kick balls at power boxes. By Tyler

*... never throw your shoes on power lines because when it's windy, the line will tear. By Rama

*... look up and check before climbing a tree because if there is a power pole close to a tree you might get electrocuted. By Jordan

*... if you get an electric shock and you are holding something you cannot let go. By Ezrah

* ... never fly a kite by a power line. Fly them at the park or on a field because there are no power lines there. By Bostyn and Leo

* ... never sit on power boxes. By Sharnika

*... you're not allowed to touch power boxes because you might get an electric shock. By Julie

*... do not throw stuff at power boxes because they might go BOOM! By Destiny

*... if something electrical happens call 0800 2 unison. By Bianca

*... if there is a bird on a power line, then it touches a transformer, it will get electrocuted. By Presley

*... birds can go on power lines and not get electrocuted. By Evangelina

*... you should look up if you want to climb a tree so you do not get electrocuted. By Aradia.

* ... linemen wear a lot of protective gear when they are working with electricity. It's so important to be safe around electricity! By Mrs Perry

Great learning Room 10!

Bob from Unison talked to us
Mmmm - Who is this mysterious person?
Great rubber safety boots!
Thanks Anna!


  1. It was really fun at Safe Sparks. I learnt a lot of new interesting things. Ezrah

    1. I also learnt a lot of new thins I did not know before. Bianca

  2. I learned heaps of importing things. from Julie

  3. Thanks for your comments Ezrah and Julie. I learned things I didn't know as well. Just goes to show you're never too old to learn!

  4. I learned that never to sit on the power box's. I also learned that power box's are dangerous

  5. buzz im electrocuted "ha ha just joking"

  6. I know that the mysterious person is Jahrel! Bianca

  7. I learnt to never sit on power boxes. From Destiny

  8. I learnt to never kick the ball at the power box. from Julie
