Friday 23 May 2014

Fun with Mrs Mac!

Hi Mrs Perry! Over the last few days we have been biking, finishing art, playing some of Mrs Macs funny drama games and doing a new topic which is about wetlands (swamps). It is very nice to have Mrs Mac in here. Here is Mrs Mac sitting at the red table.


  1. I think that mrs Mac is the best,

  2. Hi Mrs Mac and Room 10! Great to hear all your news. Thank you so much for posting onto the blog. You guys are so clever! Wow Mrs Mac you are keeping Room 10 busy with so many cool learning activities. Thank you so much! I might need to come back to school for a holiday because looking after a 2 ½ year old is pretty exhausting for an old lady like me! I am am glass you are showing Mrs Mac your fabulous manners - I can tell because she is so happy and smiling in the photo. Who was the talented photographer?

  3. Mrs Mac is the best teacher. Destiny
